It's been a while since I set this up and I thought I should actually take it seriously.... so here goes.
Did the RNCM gig for First Stage Theatre Company and I really enjoyed it. It was hard work shooting the Dress Rehearsal at 2.30 and turning around Front of House prints by 7.00pm but I did it (8 prints run off on my large format printer I lugged up with me). See the shot on the left....
I was at a seminar yesterday talking about how to present your work portfolio presented by Rhubarb-Rhubarb, what a great company helping photographers connect with galleries, dealers and editors. Very useful.
As well as doing the Wedding Photography and Performance Photography I am trying to branch out and looking to explore the world of Portraiture and Fashion shoots - not because I think I'm capable of doing everything but to try to expand the style of work I have experienced and feed that into my regular work. We'll see how it goes - I've registered with a couple of online Model Agencies and am talking to models about doing some test shoots. I'll put up the results here....