I've been concentrating over the last couple of weeks on the weddingphotography side of my business. Trying to sort out the website -www.weddingedge.co.uk - and secure some bookings for next year. This should give me a firm platform to build on for the other types of photography -performance, commercial, documentary, fashion, portraiture - that all seemto feed into the one day when shooting a wedding.
I find that I really like it! It's challenging, pressured, creative,exciting and above all fun... Everyone is there for a good time and tocelebrate and it's a privilege to capture that in an interesting andarresting way (I hope).I've shot a couple of weddings over the last fortnight - examples above -and tried to approach them in the way I like to shoot rather than try toshoot in someone else's style. To tell the stroy of the day in my way andcreate my own voice (blah, blah, blah... always difficult not to soundpretentious when talking about art/style/approach!!).
Anyway I've had somevery positive feedback so I shall keep ploughing this furrow.
Thanks for reading.